
WARNING! These reviews all contain SPOILERS!!!!

Friday, May 5, 2017

"Jihad Over Innsmouth"

by Edward Morris
originally published Pseudopod, 2008

Sabbah, our protagonist, is on a plane to Boston.  Sharing the flight is Rev. Irving Waite, the fishy-looking current head of the Esoteric Order of Dagon, and a million-selling self-help guru.  Sabbah is there to assassinate Waite. While watching Waite, he chats briefly about comic books with a young crew-cutted guy sitting next to him.

The plane hits turbulence, and things are being tossed around.  Waite is apparently crashing the plane, to pay for the destruction of a Deep One community due to the sinking of a nuclear sub.  Sabbah kills Waite, with the help of the crew-cut kid - who's from Arkham, and knows his Deep Ones.  They also kill the even more fishy-looking pilot, then fly the plane to a safe landing.

An enjoyable enough read.  Reasonably well-done, but hardly a classic.


  1. Nobody was trying for a classic. Thanks for the faint praise. Guess what... I did it for fun. It was a lark. You should try doing something for a lark or for fun.

  2. If I am trying to write a classic, I use my own worlds and characters. Others should take a lesson. This was pure snot-nosed agitprop, and certainly not meant to stand up against the likes of such literary giants as Jason Brock and Robert M. Price.

  3. Wowwww.... I mean seriously? You're THAT offended because some dude on the internet called your story "enjoyabe" and gave it an "average" rating? Even stranger since you're claiming not to have reaching for the brass ring anyway. You'll also note I didn't diss the story or your writing anywhere. And nowhere have I elevated Price's little efforts beyond "average" either, so I don't know where that's coming from. As for writing something for a lark - what the hell do you think this whole blog is???? I do it for fun, and I give my honest opinion. You're a professional published author. Guess I better watch out in case Brian Lumley ever sees this blog... holy crap!
