
WARNING! These reviews all contain SPOILERS!!!!

Tuesday, December 26, 2017

"Perfect Skin"

by David Witteveen
originally published Cthulhu's Dark Cults, Chaosium, 2010

Charles and Evelyn Drake are celebrating their holiday on the Orient Express, now stopping in Istanbul.  They are accosted over breakfast by a Col. Phelps, a badly-scarred officer who claims to have important issues to discuss with Charles.  Charles runs him off, complaining that his appearance is spoiling their breakfast.

Evelyn is taken by Istanbul's exotica, and Charles buys her a monkey at the bazaar.  But, a couple nights in, Charles is suddenly called away on business - something to do with "The Brotherhood".

The next day, he still hasn't returned.  An alarmed Evelyn starts asking questions, but is stonewalled.  She contacts Col. Phelps, who is alarmed at mention of The Brotherhood.  He advises her to leave Istanbul immediately, that her life is in danger.

Back at the hotel, Evelyn encounters Charles in the hotel room.  But he doesn't seem to recognize her.  His eyes and teeth have changed, and his skin looks strange.  He threatens her with a knife, then flees without a word.  She finds the monkey has been skinned. Evelyn passes out.

She comes to with Col. Phelps on hand.  They're making arrangements to get her back to England.  Phelps explains that The Brotherhood (of the Skin) is a shunned and feared cult that allegedly removes the skins of their sacrifices and wears them in their ceremonies.  

Evelyn seeks out Mustafa, the hotel manager and a friend of Charles', and demands he take her to The Brotherhood.

A short time later, Phelps finds the Drakes on the train.  When he enters their compartment, he finds Evelyn's eyes are now black.  She kills him with a dagger.

Good writing and strong characterization elevate this otherwise slight story.  The Brotherhood of the Skin is a Clive Barker-ish cult presented in Chaosium's Horror on the Orient Express, but without knowledge of that scenario, this story has far less meaning.

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