
WARNING! These reviews all contain SPOILERS!!!!

Thursday, November 30, 2017

"The Caller of the Black"

by Brian Lumley

originally published The Caller of the Black, Arkham House 1971

Titus Crow is farting around Blowne House one night, when a frightened man named Cabot Chambers shows up, begging for help.  It seems he's under a black magic curse, placed by "that fiend" Gedney, the leader of a "devil cult" which Chambers and some friends made the mistake of dabbling with.

Crow agrees to help.  A short time later, Chambers calls for him to come at once.  Crow arrives just in time to see a hulking black shadow toss Chambers out of a window.

Crow goes back to his files and books and starts to learn of something called "The Black", being the sentient blood of the GOO Yibb-Tstll.

Crow sets a trap for Gedney by slandering him.  Gedney responds with the same curse of "The Black" he used on Chambers.  He comes to Blowne House one night to place the curse.  But Crow has learned that running water not only drives off The Black, but causes it to turn on it's summoner.  Crow turns The Black onto Gedney by getting nekkid and hopping in the shower.

An amusing occult adventure with the insufferable Titus Crow.  Reminds me of an early 60's "Doctor Strange" comic.  Except Doc never got nekkid as far as I recall.  Did he?  Did he even shower, by the Hoary Hosts of Hoggoth?  If so, how come he never lured Dormammu into the shower?  That woulda put ol' flame-head out pretty damn good!

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